
Showing posts from February, 2021

Is Organic Food More Nutritious?


Aluminum Adjuvants in Vaccines


Periodic Fasting Removes Toxins   If you have trouble viewing the Canva link, try copying and pasting this link to view a PDF: file:///C:/Users/David/Downloads/CHEM%202211.pdf

Can GMO's transfer their DNA to humans?


The Truth About Super Foods


Aspartame - Morgan


Does Alkaline Water Make You Healthier?

Lee, J. Does alkaline water make you healthier?, Calgary, Canada [Photograph]. 2021, References (1) Magro, M.; Corain, L.; Ferro, S.; Baratella, D.; Bonaiuto, E.; Terzo, M.; Corraducci, V.; Salmaso, L.; Vianello, F. Alkaline Water and Longevity: A Murine Study. Evidence-based Complement. Altern. Med. 2016, (2)Trivedi, P. C.; Bartlett, J. J.; Pulinilkunnil, T. Lysosomal Biology and Function: Modern View of Cellular Debris Bin. Cells. NLM (Medline) May 4, 2020. (3) Wolf, D. H.; Hilt, W. The Proteasome: A Proteolytic Nanomachine of Cell Regulation and Waste Disposal. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research. Elsevier November 29, 2004, pp 19–31. (4) Kraut, J. A.; Madias, N. E. Lactic Acidosis. N. Engl. J. Med. 2014, 371 (24), 2309–2319. (5) James

Are Vaccines Dangerous?

Ainslie, A. (2021, February 22). The Truth About Vaccines , Calgary, Canada [Photograph]. Canva. References:

Chemistry Mythbusting: Late Night Eating Cause Weight Gain?




Chemistry Mythbusting: Truth Behind Fasting

Osea, H.D.L. (2021, February 22). Benefits of Fasting , Calgary, Canada [Photograph]. Canva.  

Chemistry Mythbusting: Truth Behind Superfoods

  Appave, N. (2021, February 22). Superfoods versus Regular Produce, Calgary, Canada [Photograph]. Canva.

Does Eating Late Make Me Gain Weight?


1,4 dioxane

(by: There are certain things known to cause cancer that we all for the most part try and stay far from liking smoking cigarettes and eating very unhealthy food every day. But what about the more silent killers, the ones we do not think about and may not even know are there. Que in 1,4 – Dioxane. This chemical is not actually put into products intentionally, for the most part, instead, it forms as a bi-product of different chemicals mixing during the synthesis of ethylene oxide and ethoxylate surfactants. So, if you live in the United States where the FDA approves products it is possible, you’d never know this product was in your personal care products because technically it is not an ingredient but a bi-product, talk abbot loopholes. Lucky for us south of the border dioxane is on the Health Canada’s Cosmetic Ingredient Hotlist, which prohibits or restricts its use in cosmetics. For those in other countries fortunately the amount of dioxane found

Psychoactive drugs at your local coffee shop!

Chevanon Photography. Person Performing Coffee Art; 2016 . Did you know that the most commonly used psychoactive drug worldwide... i s caffeine? 1 C affeine is found in coffee, energy drinks, soda, and chocolate. 2 It occurs naturally in the coffee plant, the tea bush, kola nuts, and cocoa beans, among other plants. Caffeine is toxic to many animals and insects, so it protects these plants from being eaten by predators. 3 When humans ingest caffeine, it stimulates the central nervous system to release dopamine (aka the “feel good” hormone) and adrenaline. 2,3 This is what keeps you alert and awake when you drink coffee. In chemistry labs, caffeine can be extracted from plants as a white crystalline powder, after which it can be sold in its pure form as “energy tablets.” 1 Typically, one of these tablets contains 100 mg of caffeine, which is approximately the same amount of caffeine in a cup of instant coffee. 4 In moderate amounts, caffeine is non-toxic; you would have to drink 5

Diethyl Phthalate (DEP)- the harmless one in the phthalate family?

Lawless, C. (photographer). (2008). toothbrush [photograph]. obtained from Flickr (CC).   Do you have a plastic shower curtain, plastic toothbrush, own some nail polish or have anything that contains fragrance? there's a high chance you have already been in contact with diethyl phthalate (DEP) multiple times today.  DEP is a part of the phthalate family of chemicals which can be found everywhere and in almost everything that is plastic. Their versatility and the fact that they make plastic more flexible has made them ideal for anything from children toys to the polyvinyl chloride used for pipes, as well as cables/wire coverings. Most phthalates are also used in a lot of cosmetics like nail polish, hair spray, and perfumes [1]. However, studies began revealing that some of them were highly toxic and could cause a change in the testosterone levels in men. It was found that these effects could be seen as early as the developmental stage of male fetuses in pregnant women who were expo

Is your favorite shampoo causing hair loss or is it just a trend?

                                                                        (Shampoo bottle by: Charisse Kenion     Shampoo, conditioner, lotion are all beauty products that many of us use on a regular basis. Like many people I don't pay close attention to what is in these products. It wasn't until a controversial chemical called DMDM Hydantoin came up on my for you page on tik tok that I decided to look into it. People claim that it causes hair loss and scalp burns. So why is it in our products? DMDM Hydantoin is a common preservative used in beauty products and it protects us from harmful yeast, mold and bacteria that can grow in these products. I was wondering if this preservative is toxic. It is something called a formaldehyde donor in which it releases a small, non toxic amount of formaldehyde to defend against harmful bacteria in beauty products.  Although it does produce formaldehyde it is such a small amount that it causes no harm to t

About DDAC - How Safe Is It Really?

Image: ( Uniqueton, 2020)                Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (DDAC) is a chemical commonly used in everyday products. It has the ability to kill germs because it causes the cell to break apart, release its innards, and then die (Anderson et al, 2016). DDAC is often used in products as a preservative to maintain the quality of the product or for cleaning purposes (Anderson et al, 2016). For example, it is found in hand sanitizers, lotions, makeup, pesticides, and cleaning products (Melin et al, n.d.; Anderson et al, 2016). Most things that are labeled as “antibacterial” or “antimicrobial” can contain DDAC ( Selikoff Center for Occupational Health [SCOH], n.d.). With the current COVID-19 pandemic, its use as a disinfectant is an important part of fighting the virus by lowering its potential to spread disease. Without a doubt, you could have easily been exposed to DDAC from the hand sanitizer given at the entrances of markets or from the Lysol wipes found in many homes.   

All About Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

 [7] Duck into the water , by Issac Quesada Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is commonly known as SLS, which is a surfactant which is a material  help to reduce the surface tension of the dissolved liquid [2]. SLS has many alternative names such as Sodium salt, sulfuric acid and many more. The molecular formula for sodium Lauryl Sulfate is Na SO4 C12H25[2]. The parent compound is Dodecyl sulfate. SLS can be very dangerous because it can be flammable, corrosive or irritant if used or exposed to as raw materials or in very large quantities. Although it's not very toxic to humans if not exposed to it in large quantities or inhaled directly into the body[1].  SLS is produced from natural vegetable oil such as (coconut oil or palm oil ) it also can be produced from petroleum [6]. The process involved with heating the coconut oil in water with sodium hydroxide. The following processes are converted to fatty acids, termed hydrogenation, in fatty alcohols. Lauryl alcohol can then be turned into laury

Pain Management Using Ibuprofen

  Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory drug. Meaning it helps reduce pain in the body. It blocks the production of cells called prostaglandins. These are the cells that create pain after an injury or make our muscles inflamed. It is taken as a pill, and for children, it comes in liquid form. The most common name for Ibuprofen is Advil. Advil is given for fevers, headaches, menstrual cramps and other pain in the body. Another name Ibupfrofen is known for having is Motrin. Advil and Motrin are just companies that produce and sell Ibuprofen. There are other companies that sell Ibuprofen such as Costco and Shoppers Drug Mart. Ibuprofen generally comes in a few different strengths, 200mg, 400mg and 800mg and there are different types depending on the brand such as Advil Liqui-Gels, Advil Extra Strength or Advil Cold and Sinus. It is important to read the packaging to make sure that the dosage and reason for use are correct. The maximum dose for daily use is 1.2 grams, although, with a prescrip

The Bad and The Good of Tetrahydrocannabinol

Ever wonder why people get high when they smoke or ingest cannabis? Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main component in cannabis that produces that high or euphoric feeling but can also alter your body in both negative and positive ways. Although THC is natural and does not have direct toxic effects to kill a person, consuming it can lead to dependency and can directly affect your central nervous system as well as your cardiovascular system. It has been found that individuals who do use THC can have trouble remembering, concentrating, and learning new things (1). It can also affect your motor skills so driving on THC is no better than driving while drunk. In the long-term, people that continuously use THC can develop mental illnesses like anxiety and psychosis (2). In addition to the effects on the brain, THC can raise a user’s heart rate to 160 beats/minute or more (3). This can be dangerous to those who suffer from pre existing heart conditions prior to using THC.  Nonetheless, studi

Isopropanol is flying off the shelves thanks to the current pandemic.

Isopropanol is flying off the shelves thanks to the current pandemic.  Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay Isopropanol is a clear, standard chemical that we use almost every day. It is used in many industries such as pharmaceuticals, automotive, personal care products, and cleaning. The primary and general use has been shifted toward being one of the top essential chemicals to combat the current pandemic against Covid-19.  Isopropanol has been and always be the prime ingredient of hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohols. Now it is flying off the shelves. Isopropanol has been primarily used as an antiseptic to remove and sterilize bacteria and viruses from the skin. Studies have shown that 50-70% concentration is more than adequate to kill most bacteria (1). It kills cells by denaturing the proteins and DNA, dissolving cellular membranes (1).  Even though isopropanol is viewed as a safe chemical, it can be hazardous if exposed to high concentrations. Isopropanol can dissolve soft plastics s

Sodium Hypochlorite: The Ultimate Cleaner

Sodium Hypochlorite: The Ultimate Cleaner Fig. 1. Man in protective suit with disinfectant (Freepik 2020) Sodium hypochlorite is an everyday chemical used for cleaning cloths and disinfecting surfaces. Sodium hypochlorite is better known as bleach, and the names tend to be interchangeable (Western University of Canada 2015). More specifically, household bleach tends to be a dilute version of sodium hypochlorite, with only 3-6% of bleach being sodium hypochlorite. Bleach has no other active ingredients, it is purely diluted sodium hypochlorite. This being said, it still leaves the question of what precisely sodium hypochlorite is. It has a straightforward chemical structure, a sodium atom attached to an oxygen atom attached to a chlorine atom (Pubchem 2021). Do not be fooled by its simplicity, for this chemical packs quite a punch. When it comes into contact with other substances, it begins to take away their electrons and break their chemical bonds (Sandoval 2009). This is wh