
By. Tiffany Rivers 

Tagatose is monosaccharide, Keto-sugar with a chemical formula similar to fructose. It is naturally occurring in fruits like pineapple and apples, and is released in lactose dairy products during the heating process; It is used as a food additive for texturizing, sweetener, and flavour enhancer, as well as in toothpaste and mouthwash.(Tagatose health Benefits, side effects, 2015). It is known to be 92% as sweet as sugar with a similar taste, but only contributing to 38% of the calories. (Tagatose health Benefits, side effects, 2015). The most interesting fact I found about Tagatose is that when consumed by diabetics it only increases blood sugar levels by 3%, and is actually being researched as a glucose lowering agent for type 2 diabetics (Tagatose, n.d.). It is also known to act as a prebiotic, because what isn’t absorbed through the small intestines is stored and fermented in the large intestines which decreases the production of pathogenic bacteria (Tagatose health Benefits, side effects, 2015). Tagatose is also recognized to have anti-aging properties, because it is classified as a slow energy sugar that doesn’t allow a sudden spike in blood sugars resulting in the delayed process of aging (Roy et al., 2018). The more I read about tagatose the more beneficial values it has, like: preventing iron induced cytotoxicity resulting in antioxidant benefits; moreover it is known to have blood regulating factors (Roy et al., 2018) . As many good benefits Tagatose has, there are some downfalls to it when used in large amounts (greater than 45 grams per day). Some of the negative effects experienced is nausea, diarrhea and gas; it can also have a negative impact on your bladder. This is a great alternative to sugar for diabetics, and people who are looking to make a healthier life choice, just remember to follow the dosing instructions to avoid negative effects. 

  1. .Tagatose. (n.d.)., from   https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/tagatose

  2.  Tagatose calories, glycemic Index, health Benefits, side effects. (2015, August 05). from https://www.nutrientsreview.com/carbs/tagatose.html

Roy, S., Chikkerur, J., Roy, S., Dhali, A., Kolte, A., Sridhar, M., & Samanta, A. (2018, October 18). Tagatose as a Potential Nutraceutical: Production, Properties, Biological roles, and applications. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1750-3841.14358


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